Friday, October 7, 2011

W4 blog

     Making a menu to represent America is a daunting task to say the least. America has always been known as a melting pot of various cultures, peoples, and beliefs. And most difficulty, America is known for incorporating food from all around the world.

     I would take my restaurant's menu down a very traditional rout. I would draw on meals that the original colonists enjoyed. I feel that pulling from the deepest roots in America's history will yield the most authentic American cuisine.

    One staple food I would build my menu around is corn. It has been with America ever since its inception. And more importantly, corn is commonly ate to this day.

     My menu would include deer meat roasted and covered in various spices. Furthermore, a sweet currant sauce would be slathered all over the meat. As a final touch, I would lightly sprinkle corn over the finished product. Another dish I would incorporate corn into would be the all-American chicken pot pie. It would be filled to the brim with corn, carrots, onions, and hearty cuts of chicken.

     I would make America's historical alcohols available too. Hard apple cider would be a must for the menu. And more importantly, my restaurant would host a legion of American beers. I would be sure to have beer from all regions of America. The quality America has upheld with it's beer would be made known to many other countries.

     Meats were very select when the colonists initially came. My menu would feature dishes that use deer, turkey, and even bear meat. I would make delicious deer and turkey jerky readily available to my customer. The Jerky was also be sold at the register as a nice parting snack.

     The most expensive entree in my menu would be bear meat and potatoes. The meat would be slow roasted and heavily seasoned. It would be a very unique dish that most other countries do not have available.

     As for desserts, I would incorporate many chocolate dishes. There would be strong cocoa and bitter chocolate. There would also be a very wide array of pies available. Every fruit under the sun and even some vegetables would find their way into a pie crust.

     My restaurant goal would be to make a delicious meals that you can't find anywhere else. I would also want to stress the origins of America and try to remind people all around the world that there was delicious foods long before Christoper Columbes set sail.

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